Multinational Project of Bolivia, Chile and Peru

Multinational Project “Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Aymara Communities of Bolivia, Chile and Peru”

The Aymara towns and territories where the project has had a presence correspond to the following regions:

  • Bolivia: La Paz, Oruro and Potosi.
  • Chile: Arica, Parinacota and Tarapaca.
  • Peru: Moquegua, Puno and Tacna.


Since 2006, the Aymara multinational project has been part of the programmatic line of CRESPIAL’s regional safeguarding projects. On February 17, 2009, the Focal Nuclei of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru signed a protocol of intentions that started the “Aymara Cultural Universe” project.

In 2009, the Aymara multinational project was recognized by being included in the UNESCO Registry of Good Safeguarding Practices. This Registry comprises programs, projects, and activities that best reflect the principles and objectives of the UNESCO 2003 Convention.

This multinational project was initially planned for a 5-year term; however, it has been developed uninterruptedly from 2009 to the present for 15 years.


CRESPIAL, the Focal Nuclei of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, and the Aymara communities of these countries promote the initiative. To transmit ICH, it integrates safeguarding actions in music, oral tradition, textile art, agricultural technologies, food processes, and language.

The multinational Aymara project, recognized by UNESCO for its excellent safeguarding practices, has made significant progress in preserving and disseminating this ancient people’s music and oral traditions. Through an arduous process of registration, compilation, research, and dissemination, it has been possible to safeguard an invaluable cultural treasure that is part of the Aymara identity.

The meetings within the project framework have facilitated a fruitful exchange of ideas and methodologies between the technical teams of the three participating countries, strengthening collaboration and mutual knowledge. In addition, essential links have been established with the Aymara communities and civil society, ensuring the active participation of the bearers of this cultural heritage in its preservation.

Components 1 and 2

The components of Aymara music and oral tradition were developed. This involved recording, collecting, researching, and disseminating Aymara oral and musical expressions. Furthermore, through the project meetings, a sustained exchange of ideas and methodologies was achieved between the technical teams of the three countries involved and essential links with the Aymara communities and civil society.

Component 3

The objective of this component, developed between 2017 and 2022, was to document, record, promote, and disseminate the agricultural and food knowledge, know-how, practices, and rituals of the Aymara communities of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. To this end, the activities were:

  • Research and documentation: Ethnographic and anthropological studies were conducted to gather information on the knowledge, know-how, practices, and agricultural and food rituals of the Aymara communities.
  • Production of dissemination materials: Text and audiovisual materials were produced to disseminate the Aymara intangible cultural heritage.

The results of this component were presented in Arica, Chile, at an event attended by representatives of the three countries’ Aymara communities and specialists in intangible cultural heritage and CRESPIAL.

In this new stage, the project explores the fourth component: “Suma qamaña and suma jakaña: knowledge, practices, and rituals for healthy living in the Aymara communities in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.” This component seeks to deepen and value ancestral knowledge linked to healthy living and traditional medicine that have allowed adaptation and development in a challenging environment.


The products developed within the project framework include a CD of traditional music from the Aymara communities of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, a CD of oral tradition from the Aymara communities of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, videos produced by the countries of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru on the third component, and the book “Knowledge, knowledge, practices, and rituals of agriculture and food”

Componente 1: música tradicional de las comunidades aymara de Bolivia, Chile y Perú

Edición compuesta por tres discos compactos de música tradicional de las comunidades aymara de Bolivia, Chile y Perú, acompañados de un texto introductorio y 3 ensayos de la música aymara correspondientes a cada país.

Componente 2: Disco de tradición oral de las comunidades aymara de Bolivia, Chile y Perú

Edición compuesta por tres discos compactos de la tradición oral de las comunidades aymara de Bolivia, Chile y Perú, acompañados de un texto introductorio y 3 ensayos correspondientes a cada país.

Componente 3: Conocimientos, saberes, prácticas y rituales agropecuarios y alimentarios

Se realizaron tres documentales; este trabajo nos muestra los profundos conocimientos relacionados a la naturaleza y el universo que poseen los miembros de dichas comunidades en los tres países, los mismo que son parte integrante de nuestra diversidad y riqueza cultural.

Bolivia: Tunka Layrani y Chisiwaymama, los conocimientos tradicionales de las variedades del cultivo de papa y quinua

Chile: Patrimonio agropecuario aymara

Perú: Lumasanakaxa suma qamañataki, Señales para el buen vivir
